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专访万豪国际集团大中华区首席运营官Mr. Michael Malik


Mr.Michael Malik,现任万豪国际集团大中华区首席运营官


What are the practices and achievements of Marriott Group in sustainable travel so far? What is the next promotion strategy?

Mr.Michael Malik:万豪国际集团于近日发布了2023年度“善行360度”(Serve360)报告,着重分享了集团在环境、社会和公司治理(ESG)等方面的持续进展及截至2022年底的数据。其中中国市场环境举措亮点如下:


· 节能减排:


√ 73家酒店和度假酒店安装了太阳能设备,为酒店区域提供热水和电能的供应。



· 减少浪费








· 尽责采购



· 有意义的旅行


万豪旅享家 益起旅行已拓展至亚太区近100家酒店,通过环境保护、服务社区及文化体验、海洋保护为宾客打造有意义的旅行。


Marriott International recently published its 2023 Serve 360 Report, highlighting data as of year-end 2022, and shared the company’s continued progress on its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) efforts. Marriott International Greater China Environmental Highlights:


· Energy & Emissions

Renewable Energy (Solar)

73 Marriott hotels across China are equipped with on-site solar installations to supply either hot water or electricity for hotels.

Energy Efficiency

Between 2021 and 2022, 15 Marriott hotels across the Greater China region installed heat pumps, which are expected to reduce emissions by over 1.8 million kilograms per year.

· Reducing Waste

Phasing Out Single-Use Items

Above 95% of the group's Chinese hotel rooms switching from small toiletry to larger pump-topped bottles of shampoos, conditioner, and body gel. Estimates predict that this initiative could help all Marriott properties globally reduce 500 million single-use plastics bottles from landfills annually.

Food Waste Management

In 2022, piloted a program using big data and artificial intelligence to help track, control, and reduce food waste. 30+ hotels in Greater China participated in the program. Nearly 11,000 kg of food waste was reduced at 9 hotels.

·   Recycling

Above 95% properties in Greater China participated in a pilot program to recycle large-format bottles from guest rooms.

Marriott hotels in China are recycling soap, coffee capsules and IT equipment, and improving the level of waste resource utilization by realizing the recycling and reuse of related supplies.

· Responsible Sourcing

Marriott has provided cost-neutral MSC certified supplier options to all of its hotels in China.

The use of cage-free eggs has already been implemented in all hotels in Hong Kong and is expanding to hotels in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Sanya and Xi’an.

· Meaningful Travel

Marriott has worked closely with BMW to promote sustainable guest experiences with the deployment of 62 BMW electric vehicles across 37 hotels in Hainan and Taihu.

Good Travel with Marriott Bonvoy provides guests the opportunity to create a positive impact across communities in the Asia Pacific region through environmental protection, community engagement, and marine conservation — expanded to close to 100 properties in 2022.

Moving forward, Marriott International will continue to follow its 2050 net-zero goal to promote sustainability. As a part of the company’s business strategy to practice social responsibility, the company aims to formulate a scientific action plan for its expansive portfolio of more than 500 hotels across the country to invest in social and economic sustainable development.


What challenges do you think sustainable travel faces today? What strategies should hotel industry take to address these challenges?

Mr.Michael Malik:

· 当前,随着中国旅行市场全面恢复在即,关注可持续旅行的重要性及迫切性也日益突显一方面宾客的可持续消费理念意识觉醒,另一方面酒店集团将可持续理念融入到酒店运营的各个面。基于此,如何平衡环境保护与宾客体验之间的关系也是我们目前所面对的一个课题。宾客体验对我们来说至关重要,我们积极听取宾客的反馈,同时也会与我们的合作伙伴、业主和供应商协作,以确保宾客体验没有因为我们的ESG举措而打折。


· 虽然近几年来社会公众的环保意识不断增强,但酒店还是需要加强对员工的可持续性思维培训,同时进一步引导顾客对绿色消费的需求,提升他们对绿色消费的认同感。





· At present, with the full recovery of the Chinese travel market on the horizon, the importance and urgency of focusing on sustainable travel has become increasingly prominent. On the one hand, guests have become more aware of the concept of sustainable consumption, and on the other hand, the hotel group has integrated the concept of sustainability into all aspects of hotel operations. Thus, balance between environmental protection and guest experience-the guest experience is important to us. At present, Marriott International operates more than 500 hotels in China. We actively listen to guest feedback and work closely with associates, owners and suppliers to ensure guest experience is not compromised.

For example, when replacing tiny, single-use toiletry bottles in guestroom showers with larger pump-topped bottles, we found that some guests may prefer smaller plastic bottles because they can take them home for reuse. Under such circumstance, we actively listen to guest feedback and provide guidance to guests.

· Strengthen Training to Enhance Associates' Sustainable Thinking.

Through training programs and educational webinars, Marriott educates associates on the significance of sustainability and the company’s commitment to sustainability, ensuring that a sustainable mindset is cultivated at the heart of hotel operations. In addition to training, we have a Sustainability Committee in GC to ensure all disciplines are actively involved in sustainability efforts.

Marriott International Greater China Sustainability Awards is launched celebrate the success and continued efforts of our hotels in creating a more sustainable environment.

Our associates call on guests to pack the leftovers.

Besides, our associates would place green cards on bedside tables in guest rooms, spurring guests to reduce the replacement of bedding and towels.


What are the positive effects of sustainable travel on the realization of global carbon reduction goals? How to further develop the potential of sustainable travel in this regard?

Mr.Michael Malik:

· 世界旅游组织对可持续旅游的定义是:充分考虑当前和未来的经济、社会和环境影响,满足游客、产业、环境和所在社区需求的旅游业。根据世界旅游业理事会的数据,到2032年中国有望成为全球最大的旅游市场。报告指出,中国旅游产业全价值链的碳足迹不容小觑,2019年旅游业约占中国碳排放总量的6%-8%

· 根据Booking缤客发布的《2023可持续旅行报告》显示,旅行者们仍然越来越重视以更为环保的方式旅行,超过四分之三(77%)的中国旅行者表示必须立即付诸行动,选择更为可持续的环保出行。



万豪旅享家益起旅行的推出则为宾客提供了机会,让他们在入住期间得以与当地社区和生态环境建立直接的联结,并促进其对当地文化的理解。目前,该项目已拓展至集团旗下亚太区近100家酒店, 包括38家中国区酒店,为宾客提供围绕环境保护、海洋保护、服务社区以及文化体验等精心策划的体验。

· The definition of sustainable travel, as outlined by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), is “travel that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment, and host communities.” According to the World Travel & Tourism Council, China is expected to become the world's largest tourism market by 2032. The carbon footprint of the entire value chain of China's tourism industry should not be underestimated, with tourism is responsible for about 6-8 percent of China's total carbon emissions in 2019.

· According to Booking.com 2023 Sustainable Travel Report, travelers are increasingly focused on sustainable travel, with 77% of Chinese travelers saying they must take immediate action.

With increased consumer willingness to travel sustainably, coupled with the adoption of more sustainable operations by travel agencies, the tourism industry is expected to achieve some immediate results in terms of sustainable development.

Marriott International have not forgotten to combine the scale and reach of a nationwide presence in China to continuously optimize green and environmental protection measures in terms of operation, management, and customer service. As travellers are increasingly concerned about the impact of tourism on the destinations they visit, it’s important that we are transparent with our sustainability efforts and how we’re progressing. We are continue to think of innovative way to incorporate sustainability and environmental initiatives into our business strategy.

Marriott has launched the Good Travel with Marriott Bonvoy program, allowing guests to forge first-hand connections with local communities and the environment during their stay while promoting cultural understanding and positive change. The program has now expanded to close to 100 hotels and resorts across Asia Pacific, including 38 hotels in China, offering curated purpose-driven experiences focusing on three distinct pillars: Environmental Protection, Community Engagement, and Marine Conservation.


How can sustainable travel interact with the economic development and community development of the destination? What experiences and achievements can Marriott Group share?

Mr.Michael Malik:

· 我认为,酒店业积极践行可持续发展措施,能够为业务运营所在社区的发展和环境保护带去积极影响,并为旅游业高质量发展提供新增长动能。



在香港我们尝试把食物垃圾转化为可再生能源。我们与有机资源回收中心 O-Park 建立了合作关系,把香港所有 13 家万豪国际集团旗下酒店的食物垃圾转化为电能。


· I believe that the hotel industry's active implementation of sustainable development measures can have a positive impact on the development and environmental protection of the communities in which it operates, and provide new growth momentum for the high-quality development of the tourism industry.

On 2 February 2021, the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment of a Sound Economic System for Green, Low-Carbon and Circular Development, which aims to co-ordinate the relationship between economic development and ecological and environmental protection construction, promote a comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and build a modernization in which people and nature live in harmony. It further emphasizes the importance and necessity of green and low-carbon development of China's hospitality industry.

Energy management and green building are ways to reduce carbon in hotel operations. The energy saved through these technologies can be utilized in other industries that have a high demand for energy, forming a consume-recycle-reuse chain.

ü Converting Food Waste into Renewables-In Hong Kong, a partnership was initiated with O-Park, an organic resources recovery center to convert food waste from all 13 Marriott hotels in the city into electricity.


What is the responsibility of sustainable travel for biodiversity conservation? What practical experience does Marriott Group have to share?

Mr.Michael Malik:


万豪旅享家® 益起旅行”体验项目。此项目已在亚太区近100家酒店,包括38家中国酒店为宾客提供富有意义的旅行体验。该项目为旅行者提供更多旅行方式,让他们与目的地建立更深层次的纽带。围绕三个不同的主题提供精心策划的体验,其中:环境保护项目旨在改善环境退化、污染和气候变化问题,提高环境韧性;服务社区以及文化体验项目旨在通过文化教育或志愿者活动,为当地社区提供支持;海洋保护项目旨在恢复和保护海洋生态系统及其物种。

Robust economic growth has long required healthy ecosystems, and there is growing awareness of the link between global warming and biodiversity decline: climate change threatens biodiversity conservation, and damage to natural ecosystems is contributing to climate change. Protecting and diversifying ecosystems will not only help us cope more effectively with rising carbon emissions, but will also help us "limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius".

Good Travel with Marriott Bonvoy™, a program that offers meaningful travel across Asia Pacific. The program now spans close to 100 hotels across the Marriott Bonvoy portfolio in Asia-Pacific including 38 hotels in GC and offers guests the opportunity to forge first-hand connections with local communities and the environment during their stay.

The program will offer curated experiences that focus on three key pillars: Environmental Protection to support the resiliency of the natural environment due to environmental degradation, pollution, and climate change; Community Engagement to support local communities through cultural education or volunteerism; and Marine Conservation to restore and preserve marine ecosystems and species.


What are the new measures of Marriott Group for sustainable travel in recent years? How about the effect?

Mr.Michael Malik:


· 有意义的旅行


· 减塑行动


· 食品浪费


· 回收再利用


Due to the impact of climate change, the concept of sustainable travel has attracted more and more attention in recent years. According to the Booking.com 2023 Sustainable Travel Report, travelers are increasingly paying attention to greener ways of traveling, with more than three quarters (77%) of Chinese travelers saying they should take immediate action to choose more sustainable and environmentally friendly travel options. Since its founding in 1927, Marriott International has been committed to serving communities and making a positive impact in the regions in which it operates.

· Meaningful Travel

Marriott has worked closely with BMW to promote sustainable guest experiences with the deployment of 62 BMW electric vehicles across 37 hotels in Hainan and Taihu.

· Phasing Out Single Use Plastics

Marriott’s hotels in China are also piloting a new program to recycle mineral water bottles and pump-topped bottles from guestroom showers.

· Food Waste Management

Marriott is piloting the use of technology to track, control, and reduce food waste within its hotels across China and improve production, preparation, and storage. More than 30 hotels are involved in the pilot program, enhancing their menu design and food production processes by recording and analyzing primary waste sources.

· Recycling

Over 300 Marriott hotels in China are recycling soap, which is delivered to local communities in need to help people improve personal hygiene, and coffee capsules, which can be used to make car engines, bicycles, and soda cans. In 2022, the company launched the IT Devices Recycling program, which recycles and reuses IT equipment in partnership with certified vendors.


Science and technology play a very important role in the support and innovation of sustainable travel. Does Marriott Group have any cases to share in this regard? What are the following strategies for strengthening the application of technology in sustainable travel?

Mr.Michael Malik:




集团旗下中国市场95%以上酒店的客房浴室使用可回收大号泵头瓶替换一次性塑料小瓶装沐浴用品。并与Juma ,一家使用可回收材料的服装公司合作,将回收的大号泵头瓶加工成为部分成衣的面料。集团还致力于推广咖啡胶囊回收计划,其中,回收的咖啡胶囊可用于制成汽车引擎、单车以及汽水罐的部分材质。

在香港我们尝试把食物垃圾转化为可再生能源。我们与有机资源回收中心 O-Park 建立了合作关系,把香港所有 13 家万豪国际集团旗下酒店的食物垃圾转化为电能。

In recent years, the Group has placed great emphasis on enhancing the guest experience with digital innovation and contributing to sustainable development. For example:

Marriott Bonvoy APP supports mobile keys to help reduce the use of plastic keys.

To enhance energy efficiency, between 2021 and 2022, 15 Marriott Hotels across China installed heat pumps, which are expected to reduce emissions.

More than 95% of the hotels in the Group's China market use recycled large pump topped bottles instead of disposable plastic small bottles of bath amenities in the guest room. In partnership with Juma, a clothing company that uses recycled materials, recycled large pump topped bottles are processed into fabrics to make garments. The Group is recycling coffee capsules, in which recycled coffee capsules can be used to make car engines, bicycles, and soda cans.

In Hong Kong we are trying to turn food waste into renewables. We have partnered with O-Park, an organic recycling centre, to convert food waste into electricity at all 13 Marriott hotels in Hong Kong.


What do you think should be done to improve the awareness and attention of global travelers on sustainable travel? What specific actions can hotel industry take?

Mr.Michael Malik:





In a recent Sustainable Travel 2023 report released by Bingke, 89% of Chinese travelers said they would choose to travel more sustainably in the next 12 months. Nearly half (44 percent) of Chinese travelers believe that more sustainable travel options are too expensive, but 70 percent of Chinese travelers are willing to pay a premium for a sustainable certified travel option.

Nowadays, driven by the domestic green and low-carbon trend, the policy level, enterprise production, and consumer awareness have been improved. How to balance the relationship between environmental protection and guest experience, as well as the construction and management of green supply chain is also a topic we are currently facing. The guest experience is of Paramount importance to us and we actively listen to guest feedback, while also working with our partners, owners and suppliers to ensure that the guest experience is not compromised by our ESG initiatives.

In addition, it is also necessary to enhance associates' awareness of sustainable development. Through webinars, the Group continues to educate its associates about the importance of sustainability and its commitment to it, in order to ensure that associates' awareness of sustainability is fostered in hotel operations. At the same time, Marriott International has established a Sustainability committee in China to ensure that all departments are actively involved in sustainability efforts. Marriott International has also established an in-house Sustainability Award in China to recognize the success and efforts of its hotels in creating a more sustainable environment.

Marriott International's ESG Report, launched in 2009, showcases the group's progress in advancing sustainability and global social impact, improves internal and external transparency, and gives us the opportunity to reflect on the challenges and opportunities we face. As a group, we are committed to creating value for our associates, guests, owners, the environment and the community, and we have the ability to do so.



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