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郑入瑞 (Vincent Zheng),现任斐济旅游局亚洲区及华人市场全球总监,Tourism Fiji Regional Director of Asia and Global Chinese Market


What are Fiji's practices and achievements in sustainable travel so far? What is the next promotion strategy?


· 斐济许多度假酒店实施了一系列环保措施,包括太阳能的能源应用、水资源的循环利用以及实行废物减量管理措施。当地国际知名品牌酒店,如万豪、洲际、索菲特、希尔顿等,在其全球总部也积极推动可持续发展实践。同时,斐济旅游局与太平洋回收基金会(Pacific Recycling Foundation)和斐济喜来登酒店等进行了合作,进一步实行废物减量管理措施。

· 斐济一直致力于保护珊瑚礁和海洋生态系统,在当地建立了多个海洋保护区,并积极与非政府组织如 “Coral Gardeners” 、 “Corals for Conservation” 和 “Counting Corals” 等合作,开展珊瑚修复工作。

· 斐济实施了以当地社区为基础的可持续旅游倡议,当地社区被赋予了更多权力,以为游客提供文化交流和寄宿家庭的体验。

· 斐济一直致力于投资于可再生能源,包括风能和太阳能,以降低旅游业的碳排放。

· 推广生态环境友好型出行方式也是斐济可持续旅游的一项重要举措,鼓励游客使用对环境影响较小的交通方式,如自行车和电动车,以更好地探索斐济的自然之美。斐济旅游局还将其官方用车更新为比亚迪的电动汽车,迈出了重要的一步。

· 斐济未来推广战略将集中于提高斐济在可持续发展方面的承诺认知度。同时,斐济还将进一步强调负责任的旅游实践和体验,包括生态旅游和野生动物保护项目的推广。

Fiji has made significant progress in sustainable travel over the years. Tourism Fiji is the statutory body established to market the Fijian tourism industry. Some of our key practices and achievements include:

• Many resorts and accommodations have adopted eco-friendly practices, such as solar power, water conservation, and waste reduction. Hotels that are associated with international brands like Marriott, IGH, Sofitel, Hilton, implement sustainability practices from their global head offices. Tourism Fiji has partnered with Pacific Recycling Foundation and Sheraton Fiji in improving waste management practices.

• Fiji is renowned for its commitment to protecting coral reefs and marine life. We have established marine protected areas and engage in coral restoration efforts in partnership with NGOs like Coral Gardeners, Corals for Conservation and Counting Corals.

• We have implemented community-based tourism initiatives that empower local communities, offering cultural exchanges and homestays for tourists.

• Fiji has been investing in renewable energy sources like wind and solar power to reduce the carbon footprint of the tourism sector.

• Promoting eco-friendly transportation options and encouraging tourists to explore Fiji's beauty using low-impact transportation methods like bicycles and electric vehicles. As a first step, Tourism Fiji has recently changed its entire vehicle fleet to EV cars with solar powered charging stations.

• Our next promotion strategy will focus on creating awareness about Fiji's commitment to sustainability through marketing campaigns. We'll also emphasize responsible tourism practices and experiences, such as eco-tours and wildlife conservation programs.


What challenges do you think sustainable travel faces today? What strategies should be taken to address these challenges?


· 鼓励促进斐济淡季旅游,以平衡前往斐济旅游的游客数量分布。这有助于减轻斐济在旺季时期的负担,从而更好地保护斐济作为一个旅游目的地的可持续性发展。

· 在斐济旅游区域的周边社区推广一些公益活动,例如“地球一小时”、植树行动和红树林种植等。

· 斐济政府鼓励游客承担更多的责任,例如减少一次性塑料的使用,节约用水和能源等。

Challenges facing sustainable travel today include over-tourism, especially in community-based activities, resource depletion, and climate change. To address these challenges, some initiatives include:

• Promote off-peak travel to distribute tourist arrivals more evenly.

• Promoting Earth hour, Plant-a-tree, and Mangrove planting initiatives in communities surrounding the tourism areas.

• Ban of single use plastics and Styrofoam by Government.

• Encourage responsible behavior among tourists, such as reducing single-use plastics and conserving water and energy.


What is the responsibility of sustainable travel for biodiversity conservation? What practical experience can Fiji share?



By promoting eco-conscious travel choices, including advocating for low-emission transportation, and supporting carbon offset initiatives, Tourism Fiji works towards global carbon reduction goals.

There is a need to further develop this by continuously advocating for systemic changes which can be achieved by working closely with Government, NGO’s, Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association and other industry partners to make Fiji a sustainable destination.


How can sustainable travel friendly interact with the economic development and community development of destinations? What experiences and achievements can Fiji share?




斐济的一些成功社区旅游项目,例如“Talanoa Treks”和“Rise Beyond the Reef”,这些项目的成功秘诀包括与社区紧密合作、培训当地居民、推广文化体验以及鼓励游客支持本地企业。为其他希望实现可持续旅游的目的地提供了宝贵的经验和榜样。

Sustainable travel in Fiji has positively impacted economic and community development by creating jobs, supporting local businesses, and preserving cultural heritage. Fiji's successful community-based tourism projects, exemplified by initiatives like Talanoa Treks, Rise Beyond the Reef and so forth serve as valuable models for other destinations looking to achieve similar results.


What is the responsibility of sustainable travel for biodiversity conservation? What practical experience can Fiji share?



· 库拉生态公园(Kula Eco Park)不仅是当地和濒危物种的庇护所,还通过教育前来参观的游客,增强他们对动物的保护意识。

· 斐济度假村与当地组织紧密合作,致力于保护海龟种群,同时鼓励游客积极参与海龟的保护工作。

· 珊瑚和红树林种植项目有助于修复受损的珊瑚礁和生态系统,同时鼓励游客也积极参与其中。

· 斐济的海洋保护区不仅守护着海洋生物多样性,还积极支持生态旅游,并强调进行负责任的旅游。

Sustainable travel plays a crucial role in biodiversity conservation by raising awareness, providing funding for conservation efforts, and promoting responsible wildlife viewing. Fiji can share experiences in establishing protected areas and involving local communities in conservation initiatives.

In Fiji, various sustainable initiatives are making a significant impact on both conservation and tourism. Kula Eco Park serves as a sanctuary for native and endangered species while educating visitors. Resorts collaborate with local organisations to protect turtle populations, involving tourists in conservation efforts. Coral and mangrove planting projects help restore damaged reefs and ecosystems, often with tourist participation. Fiji's marine protected areas safeguard marine biodiversity and support eco-tourism, emphasising responsible practices. These initiatives exemplify Fiji's commitment to balancing tourism and conservation for the benefit of both the environment and visitors.


What are Fiji's new measures for sustainable travel in recent years? How about the effect?


· 斐济旅游局加入了EarthCheck的“全球领先旅游目的地”计划,通过合作开展生态认证项目,将斐济打造成一个可持续发展的旅游目的地。

· 斐济旅游局与太平洋回收基金会(Pacific Recycling Foundation)合作,实行废物减量管理措施,减少环境污染。

· 斐济旅游局与EdgeGreen合作,建设零碳办公室(Net Carbon Zero office),降低碳排放。

· 斐济旅游局加入了全球可持续旅游理事会 (Global Sustainable Tourism Council, GSTC),积极参与全球可持续发展标准的制定和管理,以保护和维护当地的自然和文化资源。

Fiji has introduced measures like eco-certification programs in partnership with Earth Check in becoming a sustainable destination (still in the process), implemented waste management initiatives with Pacific Recycling Foundation, and Net Carbon Zero office with EdgeGreen adhering to green building standards. The effects have been positive, with increased visitor interest in eco-friendly options and improved environmental performance in the tourism sector. Fiji has also becom a member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), which establishes and manages global sustainability standards in order to protect and sustain the world’s natural and cultural resources.


Science and technology play a very important role in supporting and innovating sustainable travel. Is there any case in Fiji that can be shared? What are the following strategies for strengthening the application of technology in sustainable travel?

郑:斐济正在探索碳足迹计算器等技术,通过参与斐济的红树林种植、珊瑚保护、植树活动等可持续发展倡议,帮助游客抵消碳足迹。 这些策略将有助于斐济继续推动可持续旅游,并降低旅游产业对当地环境产生的影响。

Fiji is exploring technologies such as Carbon Footprint Calculator. The strategy is to help tourists offset their carbon footprint by being part of the sustainability initiatives such as mangrove planting, coral conservation, tree planting activities in Fiji.


What do you think should be done to improve the awareness and attention of global travelers on sustainable travel? What specific actions can destinations take?


· 积极参与气候变化相关的国家论坛:以确保可持续旅游实践成为公共政策的一部分,从而推动可持续旅游的发展。

· 定期组织可持续发展网络研讨会:让业界更深入地了解他们所采用的可持续举措,并探讨如何在其他地方重复这些成功的做法。

· 定期举办教育活动:强调可持续旅游的重要性,以提高游客的意识并传递可持续旅游的核心理念。

· 与知名的旅游博主合作:共同推广负责任的旅游实践。例如,我们近期与旅游博主Mark Wiens合作,通过他的博客推广斐济美食,强调斐济当地食品可持续性。

· 与Earth Check签署合作协议:推动为企业和景点建立可持续发展认证项目,帮助游客更容易地识别和选择生态友好的旅游选择。

To enhance global travelers' awareness of sustainable travel, Tourism Fiji has done the following:

· Actively participating in National Forums relevant to climate change to ensure sustainable practices in the Tourism sector is part of public policy.

· Organising sustainability webinars which allows the industry to create awareness on the initiatives employed by them and discussing how these can be replicated.

· Educational campaigns highlight the importance of sustainable tourism.

· Collaborate with travel influencers and bloggers to promote responsible travel practices such as Mark Wiens to promote Fijian cuisine by blogging.

· Partnership agreement signed with Earth Check to establish sustainability certification programs for businesses and attractions, making it easier for tourists to identify eco-friendly options.



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